Are We Concerned On Women Representation In Corporate Sector?
- Women representation in leadership area such as CEO (Chief Executive Officer), Senior-Vice president, Manager and directors is very low and organizations need to improve women’s participation in this sector
- An HP (Hewlett-Packard) report has found that men would apply for a job if they meet 60%of the qualifications but women would apply only if they meet 100% of qualifications. This shows that in most cases women are risk-avoider
- Organizations need to understand cultural and biological differences between men and women and accordingly formulate policies and strategies
- Many organizations have come up with “female friendly environment” to increase female leadership representation
The advancement of women is very low in the leadership ranks of the corporate sector and organizations are not digging deep enough to uncover exactly why their organization isn’t fostering women leaders successfully. There arise several questions on to why women are not being effective in leadership area?

The difference between men and women are not fully understood from beginning. Organizations need to understand that men and women are brought up in different environments and therefore their attitudes and personalities are different along with their neurobiology. Dominant culture shapes the mind of women and many women are still taken wrong for their priorities.
Now the question arises how are both boys and girls trained? Most girls are trained to smile pretty, play it safe and get all A’s and boys on the other hand are taught to play rough. By the time, boys are adults they are habituated to take risk after risk which girls would not like to. Boys are rewarded for their risk.
The most important factor why women are under representing in corporate sectors is bravery deficit. Therefore, the major concern of the organizations should be cultural transformation where they must teach girls that they are rewarded not only for being perfect but also for being courageous.
According to Forbes, in 279 Companies, representing 13 million employees, women represent 23% of Chief Executive Officer and senior vice presidents, 29%of the vice-presidents and 34% of those at the senior manager and director levels. A 2018 study led by LEAN IN also determined that women are 21% less likely to be promoted to manager. Similary, African American women are 40% less likely than men to be promoted to manager. All this is happening because women face lot of challenges at corporate sector.
We find less transparency in many organizations and women are not accepted for who they really are. On the other hand, women are taking more responsibility at homes while they are performing majority of domestic and child care work.
Women take leave when they have to perform some major roles in life as “mother or wife” which is perfectly fine but they do not train themselves during those periods and remain outdated. As a result, they never return back to their professional life and if they even return back, there is less energy and enthusiasm in them. To sum, balance between personal and professional life is the major challenge women in the corporate sector are facing.

Multi-cultural and diversity training must occur for both men and women and organizations must understand that diversity and difference is something that makes them more competitive and unique in the market. Women must be provided platform to take initiation because according to Fomster, in 2016,a survey over 21,000 firms from 91 countries found that increasing female leadership representation in profitable firms from 0 to 30% brings about 15% increase in net revenue margin.
However some companies have come up with “female-friendly” policies though challenges are emerging in the corporate sector. Companies have recognized different priorities such as:
- Recognition of equal opportunities for both men and women in training, salary and promotion
- Organizations have come up with new terms such as “maternity leave” and have offered leave policies during the time of menstruation
- Discriminations on the basis of gender has been strictly prohibited in organizations while hiring and firing of human resources
According to Business Insider, a job-listing Hub, In Her Sight rates companies on the basis of “female-friendliness”. It has released a ranking of the top 25 companies for women, 5 stars being the highest rating. Some of the major companies with their overall ratings are:
Name of the companies
Overall Ratings
Financial Services
3.7 stars
USAA (United Services Automobile Association)
3.8 stars
Edward Jones
3.8 stars
Teach For America
3.8 stars
Southern New Hampshire University
3.8 stars